The RI Center of Semiconductor Technology (PTC) is being developed in the framework of the technopolis Sunrise Valley in Vilnius, Lithuania. It is planned as a consortium of Vilnius University ( and the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology ( PTC is intended to meet the needs of researchers working in solid state physics and chemistry and materials science and technology for facilities necessary to purposefully fabricate samples for their research and to develop device prototypes for specific applications. This infrastructure should also be useful for high-tech companies in Lithuania and, increasingly in time, abroad for developing their products, but it is mainly directed to facilitate implementation of scientific ideas to products by creating a technological base for researchers to develop their prospective ideas into functional device prototypes
At the end of the organization of PTC in 2015, the RI will be a single-sited-type research infrastructure.
Currently, the open access to the PTC equipment, services and training is organized according to the rules and procedures specified for each structural unit. To start application, prospective users are kindly advised to contact the contact persons indicated in unit descriptions.
Contact person: Juste Kudzyte, e-mail: